Who Is Donald J. Trump? Narrated By Julianne Moore | NowThis

Who Is Donald J. Trump

I think I’m pretty outspoken and that’s not probablya good thing in terms of a politician but it’s a good thingif you ever got elected, you can really do a job.- [Julianne] That’s Donald Trump.Eric Trump’s father,and also the 45th president of the United States.Long before Donald enjoyed the sweet taste of goldhe preferred the silver spoon he was born with.We all know that past behavioris a greatest indicator of future success.With that in mind, let’s take a look.Who really is Donald Trump?I’m Julianne Moore.And this is the story of the COVID patientin charge of America’s nuclear arsenal.Donald John Trump made an excellent career move in 1946being born to a very wealthy family in Queens, New York.He grew up in a twenty-three room, nine bathroomwhite columned mansion, in an exclusive affluentnearly all white neighborhood.Friends who came over would be greeted by the maid who wouldoffer a platter of finger sandwiches with the crust cut off.It wouldn’t take long for Donald to reject it all.All his father, Fred, the son of Germanimmigrant Frederick Drumpf was asuper wealthy New York real estate mogul.The tough and hard drivingFred Trump achieved multimillionaire statusby becoming one of the largest recipients of cheapUS government backed building loans in the 1940s.Donald’s mother Mary was a poor immigrant from Scotland.The two met at a party in Queens and married in 1936.They had five children,Donald being the second youngest of the bunch.When Donald was two and a half years oldhis mother became seriously ill, effectively abandoning himduring a critical time in his childhood development.Thanks to a land trust set up by his fatherDonald was literally a landlord at three years old,and he was making the equivalent todayof $200,000 annually from his dad’s empire,which is more than most three year olds make.By the time he was eight years oldhe was a millionaire,meaning he could pay the babysitter himself.Shortly after Donald turned 13the family sent him upstate to a military academy.It would be the closest he’d get to serving in the military.By the time he was 17, his father gave him part ownershipof a 52 unit apartment building.And then he was off to college.He started at Fordham University and then two yearsin transferred to the elite Wharton Schoolundergrad program at the university of Pennsylvania.According to Donald’s niece MaryDonald allegedly paid someone to take the SAT on his behalf,achieving a high yet fraudulent score,which he used to gain admittance to Wharton.At the time Donald’s brother Fred Jrhad a buddy named James Nolan who workedin the admissions office at U Penn.Fred Jr asked Nolan to interview Donaldas a candidate for admission.Years later in an interview, Nolan recalled the encounter.”I certainly was not struck by any sense”that I’m sitting before a genius.”Yet it appears Donnie was accepted.U Penn awarded him a BS on May 20th, 1968.Trump claimed the school was the hardest to get intothe best school in the world.It’s unclear how Donald performed at the schoolbecause Trump’s attorney Michael Cohen was allegedly orderedto hide boss’s school transcripts.So it’s safe to say he’s probably super proud of them.- I’m talking about a man who declares himself brilliantbut directed me to threaten his high school,his colleges and the college boardto never release his grades or SAT scores.- [Julianne] Well in college, Trump fought reallyhard to avoid the Vietnam War.He obtained four student draft defermentseven though he was fit and eligible for military service.After graduating from U Penn,he was eligible for the draft again.This time he received a medical defermentfor alleged bone spurs.- Numerous because of, because of college.And I had a foot thing and I had deferment for that.- [Julianne] In 1971 at the tender age of 25,Trump was named presidentof his father’s real estate company.He renamed it The Trump organization.It was around this time he receiveda super tiny sum of not much money at all.- My father gave me a small loan of a million dollars.- [Julianne] All in all Donald received the equivalent todaya 413 million from his dad’s real estate empire.After fattening his wallet he was seeminglylooking to settle down.In 1977, Donald married Czech model Ivana Zelnickova.They had three children together, Don Jr, Ivanka and Eric- It along very well and there’s not a lot of disagreementbecause ultimately Ivana does exactly as I tell her to do.- [Julianne] While his marriage was going extremely well,his new gig as president of the real estate company wasn’t.Began making headlines for all the wrong reasons.The front page of the October 16th, 1973New York Times read,”Major landlord accused of anti-black bias in city.”Of Donald’s 14,000 apartments in 39 different buildingsthe tenants were predominantly white.The department of justice charged Donald and his fatherwith discriminating againstBlack people in apartment rentals,violating the fair housing act of 1968.So who tipped the DOJ off?Black activists would apply for an advertised vacancyin a Trump building only to be told nothing was available.Then their white counterparts tried the same thingand they were met with open arms and vacancies.An application filed by a black apartment seeker wouldbe marked by a Trump employee as C for colored.A former Trump rental agent spoke to NBCabout how he was ordered to handle the situationif a Black person applied- Fred Trump came into my office with his sonDonald at his side.I asked him what I should dowith the application of Miss Brown.He told me at that time to take the applicationand put it in the desk draweras he does not rent to people of color,utilizing the N word.And Donald shook his head agreeing with his father- [Julianne] Caught racist and red-handedthey went on the attack.Donald belong with Roy Cohn, famed McCarthyist lawyerand power broker counter sued the Department of Justicefor a hundred million dollars in damages.But this counter suit was tossed out by the judge.In 1975 Donald and his father settled the original case.They were ordered to study the Fair Housing Actand not to discriminate at their properties in the future.Additionally, they were ordered to workwith the New York Urban League to identify new tenants- If I was starting off today I would love to bea well-educated black because I really believethey do have an actual advantage today- [Julianne] After putting his racisttendencies to rest definitely forever business was booming.Donald was on the rise and so were his buildings.Throughout the ’80s, ’90s, and 2000s it seems Trumpsmeared his name in gold plating wherever he could.Casinos, steaks, residential high rises,vodka bottles, water bottles, board gameshotels, and golf courses all donned the Trump namebut so did the bankruptcy papers.Trump’s companies filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy six times.By 1990, they owed 4 billion to more than 70 banks.He refused to pay millions of dollars to working people,like contractors and other businesses in the process,which is probably why he made a cameo in Home Alone 2.So is Trump really is rich as he claims he is?From 1985 to 1994 Donald Trump lost at least $1.2 billion.- I remember once my father and I were walkingdown Fifth Avenue and there was a homeless person sittingright outside of Trump tower.And I think I was probably maybe ninenine, 10, something like this.It was around the same time as the divorce.And I remember my father pointing to him and saying,”You know, that guy has $8 billion more than me.”Because he was in such extreme debt at that point.- [Julianne] He now claims to be a billionaire, but is he?- I’m really rich.- [Julianne] That sounds awesome.But how much is it?- Are you worth right now as you’re sitting right here?- Zero idea, David- [Julianne] In April of 2020 after the coronavirus pandemiccrippled the US Forbes estimated that Trump’s net worthcollapsed a full $1 billion.It’s unclear what Trump’s actual net worth is.Due to a bombshell report by the New York Times we do knowat least according to leaked tax returns,the Trump is 421 million in debt.According to the Times, Trump has not paid any income taxesat all in 10 of the previous 15 years and spoiler alert,the first year in the White Househe apparently only paid $750 in federal income taxes.That’s $750, just like 128gb iPhone 11.Comparatively his predecessor president Barack Obamapaid about 1.8 million in taxes in his first year in office.It’s as if he’s lying to the public,seemingly conning them intothinking he’s something bigger than he is,someone else entirely.Like when he posed as his own publicistfrequently throughout the ’70s, ’80s and ’90s,to brag about himself to the public.- [Donald] He treated his wife welland he will treat Marla well.He’s somebody that has a lot of options,and frankly you, he gets called by everybody,he gets called by everybody in the book,in terms of women.- [Julianne] And then he went on to use his name recognitionfor a brutal New York City case.In 1989 when five young, Black and Latino teens were accusedof beating and raping a woman in Central ParkDonald was the loudest voicein opposition of the young boys.Donald took out a full page ad in four newspapers,including the New York Times, calling for the executionof the now innocent Central Park Five.In all caps, the ads read,”Bring back the death penalty, bring back our police.”- You don’t know who did that crime.And the court’s going to decide who did that crime,where you prejudging those arrested?- No, I’m not prejudging at all.I’m not in this particular case.I’m saying if they’re found guilty, if the woman died,which she hopefully will not be dyingbut if the woman died, I think they should be executed.I think they, you should have the death penalty.- [Julianne] Donald to this day has refused to apologizefor his calls to execute the innocent teenagers.In 1992, Donald and Ivana divorcedafter he cheated on her with Marla Maples,who he later married in 1993.Donald and Ivana settled for 14 million,a deal she took because her teamworried Donald was going bankrupt.That same year Maples gave birthto Donald second and final daughter Tiffany Trump.- She’s really a beautiful baby.And she’s got Marla’s legs.We don’t know whether or not she’s got this part yet.But time will tell.- [Julianne] In the aftermath of the divorce,Ivana claimed under oath Donald raped her.The incident which was detailed in Ivana’s depositionwas confirmed by two of her friends.Later, Ivana walked back her claim without denying it,saying she didn’t mean that Trump raped herin a literal or criminal sense.This wouldn’t be Donald’s last rape accusation.In the mid ’90s, E. Jean Carroll,a writer and former Miss Cheerleader USA,claimed Donald raped herin a department store dressing room.Donald responded to the allegation by saying,”She’s not my type,”which led many people to believe there is a typeof woman he would rape.Over the next decades Donald was accusedof rape, sexual assault and sexual harassmentby at least 26 women.- [Donald] I’m automatically attracted to beautiful,I just start kissing them.It’s like a magnet.Just kiss, I don’t even wait.And when you’re a star they let you do it.You can do anything.- whatever you want. – Grab them by the (bleep).- [Julianne] From 1996 to 2015,Trump owned the Miss Universe franchisewhere his locker room behavior continued.He and Howard stern chopped it upabout predatory behavior frequently.- [Howard] Some of these foreign girls, you know”Mr. Trump in my country, we say hello with vagina.”- [Donald] Well, you could also say as the ownerof the pageant it’s your obligation to do that.- [Howard] So have done that.- [Donald] Well, I’ll tell you the funniest is that I’llgo backstage before a show and everyone’s getting dressedand ready and everything else.And you know, no men are anywhere.And I’m allowed to go in because I’m the ownerof the pageant and therefore I’m inspecting it.- [Julianne] Donald also seemed to agreewith stern that his own daughter was,well I’ll let him say it.- [Donald] My daughter is beautiful.Ivanka.- [Howard] By the way, your daughter.- [Donald] She’s beautiful.- [Howard] Can I say this?A piece of ass. – Yeah.- [Julianne] It wasn’t he first time he seeminglyhit on his own daughter.- And although she does have a very nice figure.I’ve said that if Ivanka weren’t my daughter,perhaps I’d be dating her.- Stop, oh it’s so weird.Stop it.- Moving on.- [Julianne] All this well, seemingly being good friendswith now deceased convicted pedophile, Jeffrey Epstein,who according to one report was a memberof Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort until October of 2007.- [Reporter] Footage from 1992 found inthe NBC archives shows the future presidentwelcoming Jeffrey Epstein to his Mar-a-Lago estate.The get together more than a decade beforeEpstein pleaded guilty to prostitution charges in Florida- [Julianne] 1999 Donald ran for presidentand his good friend Roger Stone’s request.He ran on quite the ticket, too.- Do you have a vice presidential candidate in mind?- [Julianne] Well, I really haven’t gotten quite there yet.I guess Oprah, I love Oprah.Oprah would always be my first choice.- [Julianne] Stone helped pave the way for a George W. Bushpresidency by imploding an entire party.Stone urged Pat Buchanan to run as Reform Party candidateand then enlisted Donald to join the raceand sabotage Buchanan’s chances toensure that the third-party candidatewouldn’t cost Bush the election.- Well, Mr. Trump has said, he’ll make a decisionat the end of February,He has formed a presidential exploratory committee.He has changed his registrationto the Independence Party of New York,which is the Reform Party affiliate- [Julianne] Donald eventually dropped out.Around the time of his run his marriage was crumbling.Maples and Donald officially divorced in 1999,but he was never really single.A year earlier in 1998 Donald met Slovenian modelMelania Knauss at a party.They married a few years later- We were both at the same party.And that’s how we met.- [Larry] You liked her right away?- I went crazy, I said,I was actually supposed to me somebody else.- [Julianne] In 2004 Donald lost twoTeen Choice Awards to Ashton Kutcher.Around the same time he began hostingthe TV show The Apprenticehe launched Trump University,but it was only in operation for five years because,as NBC notes students alleged the university used falseadvertising and high pressure sales techniques to lure themto free investor workshops at whichthey were sold expensive seminarsand told they would be mentored by real estate gurusleading to the loss of thousands of dollars in tuition.- At Trump university we teach success.That’s what it’s all about.Success.It’s going to happen to you.- [Julianne] According to the sworn testimonyby former Trump University employeesmany instructors and mentors had no experiencebuying or selling real estate.It’s reported one instructor was a salesmanfor Lowe’s and another a manager for Buffalo Wild WingsA former member of Trump’s sales staff said theuniversity was a joke, it was a facade, a total lieand that it was just selling false hopes and lies.Trump faced a class action lawsuitand was ordered to pay $25 million.A USA Today report found that Donald and his businesseshave been involved in at least 3,500 legal actions infederal and state courts over the past three decades.In 2006, Melania gave birth to their son Barron.Four months after the arrival of his new sonDonald allegedly had an affairwith adult film actress Stormy Daniels.Later, Donald allegedly paid Daniels $130,000 in hush money.In 2011, three years into Obama’s first term,Trump was the leading proponentof the birther conspiracy theory.It was a racist conspiracy theorythat alleged America’s first Black presidentwasn’t born in the United States,which if true would be unconstitutional.- I would like to have him show his birth certificate.And can I be honest with you?I hope he can because if he can’t, if he can’t andif he wasn’t born in this country,which is a real possibility, I’m not saying it happened.I’m saying it’s a real possibility,much greater than I thought two or three weeks ago.Then he has pulled one of thegreat cons in the history of politics.- [Julianne] In response Obama releasedhis long form birth certificate.On June 16th, 2015 Donald took a famous ride downhis gold plated escalator at New York’s Trump Tower.His rise to the presidency started with a descent,an apt metaphor for what the future would definitely hold.Fast forward to 2020 and much of what defines Trump,his hallmark is veneer.Be it the gold-plated decor,his net worth, or his orange spray tan.When you scratch under the surfaceyou find a decrepit mess hiding behind a thin shield.It’s just unclear if the American public is ready to admitthe truth hiding underneath Trump’s wispy coif.(mysterious music)- Hey, thanks for watching Who Is.Did you know we have a podcast now too?On Who Is The Podcast.I’ll dive deep into the fascinating livesof the people who run things.Whose decisions impact every aspect of our lives.How did they get where they are today and knowingthat what might they do next?From politicians to the ultra rich,to military contractors and monarchs and media moguls.I’ll introduce you to the reporters and expertswho know these real world molders best,sharp-eyed observers and confidants who observe our subjectsas they make the decisions that define our everyday lives.To see more hit the link or search Who Ison the iHeartRadio app or wherever you get your podcastsand for more of the video series, you know and love,be sure to check out the Snapchat versionsand or series playlist on YouTube and Facebook.