Barbie Main Trailer

Barbie Main Trailer

[soft, playful music]♪ ♪KEN: Hey, Barbie.Can I come to your house tonight?- Sure. I don’t have anything big planned.Just a giant blowout party with all the Barbiesand planned choreography and a bespoke song.You should stop by. – So cool.- ♪ You can find me under the light ♪♪ Diamonds under my eyes ♪- This is the best day ever. – It is the best day ever.So was yesterday and so is tomorrowand every day from now until forever.[all cheer] – ♪ I could dance ♪- Do you guys ever think about dying?[sound of record scratching]- ♪ When my heart breaks ♪- Some things have been happening that might be related.- ♪ When my world shakes ♪- Cold shower. Ooh.Falling off my roof… [screams]And my heels are on the ground.[all gasp]- Flat feet![retches][all scream][upbeat music]- What do I have to do?- You have to go to the real world.You can go back to your regular life,or you can know the truth about the universe.The choice is now yours. – The first one.The high heel. – You have to want to know.Okay? Do it again.- ♪ Closer, I am fine ♪♪ Closer, I am fi– ♪ [screams]- I’m coming with you. – Okay.[upbeat music]♪ ♪Wow. This is the real world.What’s going on? Why are these men looking at me?- Yeah, they’re also staring at me.- [screams]- ♪ You gotta make your own kind of music ♪- Barbie in the real world. That’s impossible.- If this got out, this could meanextremely weird things for our world.This would be catastrophic!- ♪ Make your own… ♪- We haven’t played with Barbies since we were,like, five years old. – Oh.- ♪ Sing your own… ♪- No one rests until this doll is back in a box.- ♪ Even if nobody else sings along ♪RUTH: Humans only have one ending.- Get that Barbie!♪ ♪